Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sorry All, Hello Again!

Wow! The last week was super busy! That's one of the reasons why I haven't updated you the last week. The other reason is because I felt guilty... I didn't exercise pretty much all week except for Monday and towards the end of the week I wasn't doing to well with the healthy diet. So I skipped Weight Day, again. I'm sorry! Ha! But I'm exercising everyday this week and I'm being a little less cocky with what I eat so hopefully that'll pay off! Did you know that celery has no calories? You actually burn calories while you digest it! Isn't that neat? I thought I should maybe add another recipe that I like. So here you go...

Homemade Breakfast Wrap

What You Need:

  • 1-2 eggs

  • Bacon is optional. (small amount)

  • 1 tortilla

  • 2 Tbsp of salsa

  • 2-4 pinches of shredded cheese (average sized pinches)

  • 1 Tbsp of mayonnaise

What to do:

  1. Cook you eggs in a pan. (scrambled or not) Optional bacon should be cooked as well.

  2. Put your cheese on top.

  3. Let the cheese melt.

  4. Warm your tortilla *optional*

  5. Set your tortilla out on a plate.

  6. Spread your mayonnaise on it evenly towards the center. Should only be a thin layer.

  7. The put your cheesy eggs in the center of the tortilla.

  8. Add your salsa on top of that.

  9. Wrap it up!

  10. Enjoy with maybe a nice class of 100% orange juice!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Should I Welcome You?

So as we all know, today is Weight Day. This morning I thought to myself before I weighed in, should I be welcoming Weight Day or dreading it? The answer today was apparently welcoming! Surprisingly after my holidays and all the Easter treats that I have received I dropped four pounds. That's ten all together! I'm actually pretty happy! That is ten pounds in three weeks! I hear from a reliable source that is this the healthy speed to be losing weight. So if you are all listening please do not lose weight too fast! It isn't healthy for your body. Besides it's kinda the point to still lose weight but stay healthy, isn't it? Well that's what I think. So, my weight loss challenge is off to a good start! I feel energized and determined, hopefully that feeling will continue till I reach my goal weight! I am doing well hopefully all you "wanna-be-thinners" are doing great as well. If not, feel free to share what you have been having trouble with in the comments box. I really recommend that all of you "wanna-be-thinners" visit Deidre's weight loss challenge/forums page. I am so glad to be apart of it. The support on those pages are amazing! Well I have things to do so please, share your progress with us! We'd love to hear... Oh and should I post another smoothie recipe? Any ideas on what kind of healthy things to broadcast? Again, feel free to share! Succeed together, fail together and conquer together!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Simple Smoothie Recipe

Okay, so today I was thinking what I should include on the blog and came up with a pretty good idea. I've been telling you I have been drinking these homemade milkshakes/smoothies right? Why not tell you some good recipes every now and then? They're healthy! They taste good! Come on, try it! You know you want to!

Fast Strawberry Yogurt Smoothie
  • One cup (250 mL) plain low fat yogurt
  • Four cups (1 L) of ripe strawberries
  • Half a cup (125 mL) of fresh or 100% orange juice
  • *Optional* 1 tsp of sugar or honey.


Put all ingredients into a blender and blend/chop/or whatever you do with your milkshakes for about 15-25 seconds. If the drink is not fully blended try blending for a few more seconds. This recipe does serve four people so feel free to make one for your friends or family. Especially if they come to workout with you! They make good breakfasts, snacks and healthy little "rewards" So go ahead! It's that easy! Oh man I sound like the 'Slap Chop' guy off those commercials... Hey! Maybe you could use a slap chop for those strawberries, huh?

Succeed together, fail together and conquer together!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Rough, Tough and Chocolate

Boy! Don't you hate it when Easter comes around and there is all this chocolate everywhere? Well I don't hate it cause I love chocolate but it's a tough time to be loosing weight. I got these little chocolate eggs with the coloured tin foil cause they look so good and plus it's kinda like a tradition in our family. It was a hard process on which to get them but hey, they say you should have at least 5 peice of chocolate a day. Don't take that from me cause I heard it on the radio and who knows where it came from. So since I've been back from holidays I have been working out like crazy! It is so busy with work and all it kinda just drains you out doesn't it? Rough and tough are the two words I would use for losing weight this time of year. I just got back from a fast and long bike ride. I also did 100 crunch-like things. I think I might do another 100 tonight. Today for lunch I had another salad. Twas very good indeed. I put lettuce, peppers, tomatoes, and all that jazz in there along with some straberries. Just so I felt I was eating right there was some pork chop to go along with that. I say try to make your salads interesting! It's more fun! Different and exciting salads are better than just normal ones that bore you to death every time you decide to have one! Come on try it. Think of some good things to put in there and then tell me what it is! I would love to try something new aswell! Stay STRONG! We all know how difficult that is this time of year! Succeed together, fail together and conquer together! J.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Holidays Have Ups and Downs... Yikes!

DO NOT be like this guy!

Hey all! Sorry it's been a while since I updated... I am now back from holidays and am feeling bad about how much chips and crap I ate over the holidays. I did too much snacking. I hope I didn't let y'all down but then again you know how holidays are. Anyways, I'm getting back into the routine and have exercised today. I did some abdominal work and went for a speedy bike ride. I feel so energized! I didn't check my weight on Weight Day like I was supposed to. I'm sorry! I'm just so scared to look cause of all the crap I consumed over these holidays of mine. I'm just happy that I am home and can get motivated to get back in the mode. I'm really wondering how all of your programs are going. Care to tell me? Hmm. It makes me curious. Anyways just a quick update not much to tell. You should go check out Deidre's weight loss blog, she's updated it. Here is the link. ---> http://deidrehall.me/challenge_blog.html Stay strong everyone and stay happy! Work hard but not too hard! Take a break once in a while... Succeed together, fail together and conquer together. J. Ps. Happy belated Easter! :)