Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Is It Happening Yet?? Guh!

Oh my goodness! It was such a gorgeous day out! Again, I went for a bike ride and enjoyed it! Well today I'm not sure if it was just my hope or if it was actually happening. Are my pants geting looser? Gee, I sure hope so! I've made a pact with myself that I will only check my weight on the dreaded scale on the weekend about every one to two weeks. Hopefully I will start to see more difference in the numbers. I am working so hard and want to see more results! I know... Don't we all? Well after I was finished doing my nightly workout last night I had a very great tasting homemade fruit smoothie. Gosh it was good! It was actually very easy to make! I put some frozen blue berries in it, a banana, some milk, some vanilla yourgurt and a teeny squirt of processed vanilla flavouring. Ah! I know, I know. Processed. Uck! I usually just use that stuff for baking and things but I actually hardly tasted it in the actual smoothie. You guys should really try it! It's great and I heard it's good to have something like that after you finished working out. So when I woke up this morning I had a very sore mid-section! Ugh, my goodness! I usually love feeling the burn but boy, this was REAL pain. It hurt to laugh and stretch all through out the day! I hope everyone else's program is going well. Please feel free to share some weight loss stories! Stories about cheating or succeeding... You know, I would just really like to hear from you, "wanna-be-thinners" So feel free! Come on! Succeed together, fail together and conquer together! Stay strong! J.

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